To know if something is spoiled or molded. To make sure that it wont give you the stomach virus or food poisoning.
The practitioners of traditional and indigenous medicine rely mainly upon medicinal plants and herbs for the preparation of therapeutic substances. The therapeutic properties of several medicinal plants and popular traditional medicine remedies are being investigated and validated.
Coordination is the most related
Exercise needs vary on individuals for many reasons. First of all, it could be physical problems like weight. If a person is to heavy, or to small. Then starting out exercise slow is best. Often times over exercising for obese people, or people who are to thin, can cause blackouts, a loss of water retention, and exhaustion.
Another could be health issues. People with certain health issue may find it hard to work out, and need help with finding what works best for them.
La probabilidad se refiere a la mayor o menor posibilidad de que ocurra un suceso. Su noción viene de la necesidad de medir la certeza o duda de que un suceso dado ocurra o no. Esta establece una relación entre el número de sucesos favorables y el número total de sucesos posibles.