The Geats passed by the guard at the shore. He called out a greeting to them as they loaded their treasure aboard the ship. Beowulf gave a jeweled sword to the man who guarded the boat. This gift earned the man much respect in the beer hall.
The correct option is C.
‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ was a novel written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The novel was a collection of journal entries by a sick woman, who was suffering from nervous breakdown. She was been taken care of by her doctor husband, who has rented a pleasant apartment, which he thought would help his wife’s recovery. The upstairs room, where the sick woman was put had some wall papers on the walls and the patterns in these wallpapers becomes the major focus of the woman in the room.
If that is your answer on the top, select all of them
I just always select all after writing sm and getting it right :)
Meaning: "Reeling" refers to the dizzy, staggering quality of a person's walk when they are drunk. "Pickled" is a slang term for drunkenness which is derived from the idea of being soaked in a liquid - in this case, alcohol.