Answer: Repentance
Explanation: Expressed publicly, this act of speech can be seen as an act of weakness or, conversely, as an act of strenght that exalts the image of the issuer, far from reducing it. It would then be a statement that contains three speech acts: the act of recognition of the fault, that of the proposal for reparation and the act of bravery that emerges from the public recongition of the lack of the politician´s regret is considered a discursive strategy of power that allows you to rehabilitate your image. In its strategic elaboration, the politician tries to appear sincere while mitigating or justifying the importance of the fault.
Answer: I mean I'll leave him, for the risk of being hurt the boy may be dangerous. My second opinion would be stay there for the boys riding because he may be writing something important.
Macroeconomics deals with the economy as a whole and so deals with how variables such as government spending and interest rates will affect the entire economy not just single entities.
Microeconomics on the other hand, deals with individual entities in the economy and how various variables and decision making will affect them.
A nation prints more money, causing inflation. MACROECONOMICS.
This affects the entire nation not just single entities so it is macroeconomics.
A local store has a buy one, get one free sale. MICROECONOMICS.
This relates to the actions of a single entity in the economy so falls under microeconomics.
Oil production decreases, and gas prices rise nationwide. MACROECONOMICS.
As this concerns the entire nation, it is therefore under the realm of Macroeconomics.