The answer is C it won’t let me do all the steps but I hope it helps
Answer: 6/12 are white, 3/12 are colored and 3/12 are albino.
Step-by-step explanation: If the horses are white and their parents are ccww (albino) and CCWw (white horse), according to Mendel's premises, they both must be CcWw, since the crossing provides one C from one parent and other c from the other parent, one W and the other w. Using Mendel's chess and the principle of independent segregation, the crossing between CcWw results in the following fenotypical ratio:
1/16 CCWW (lethal)
2/16 CCWw (white)
2/16 CcWW (lethal)
4/16 CcWw (white)
1/16 CCww (normal)
2/16 Ccww (normal)
2/16 ccWw (albino)
1/16 ccWW (lethal)
1/16 ccww (albino)
Excluding the 4 individuals that have the lethal locus, we have 6/12 that are white (2/12 + 4/12) and 3/12 (1/12 + 2/12) that are colored. Also, there are 3/12 of albino individuals as well.
Yes the answer is 4
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation: