heres your answer
Explanation: Slavery, as a theory, had been a commonly accepted European practice long before the exploration of the New World. Drawing on ancient Greek and Roman history, pro-slavery defenders noted that enslaving prisoners of war was an acceptable alternative to execution—once an enemy had surrendered, it was believed to be the victor’s right to claim the life of their enemy through death or enslavement. Hence, when the Portuguese slave traders started exploring the coast of Africa where it was customary for warring indigenous tribes to enslave each other, they began to buy these slaves for export to the New World colonies. Other pro-slavery advocates argued that it was their mission to convert African non-Christians (whom they referred to as “heathens”) to Christianity and that slavery allowed them to do this more effectively.
Answer: D) Repression
Explanation: According to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory, Repression is a situation where one unconsciously pushes aside or remove painful memories/experiences out of his or her consciouness to the point that they are no longer aware of the existence of such memories/experiences. Even though this memories can't be remembered, they still affect the behaviors of this individuals in one way or the other.
Matteo's experience of how he was biten by a dog was so painful that he unconsciously pushes the memories out of his consciouness, this led to him becoming unaware of the incident but he is still afraid of dogs and he can't remember how and when he started being afraid of dogs. This shows that although he has forgotten the experience, the memories still affects his behavior. This scenario best illustrates repression.
Answer: Adaptable
According to the American Psychological Association (APA) adaptability refers to how one adjust to a new situation by embracing appropriate and effective responses that will accomodate the changing situation or embrace people who may be different from them. If they can adapt to the fact that Mary is different from the rest of them and embrace her difference without judging her or feeling irritated by it they will find it easy to actual live with her. Adaptability allows a person to acknowledge and accept the existence of something different from what they are used to and find ways to peacefully live with that.
Answer: Grassroots
Grassroots movements and organizations use collective action from individuals and groups in the local level to cause change at the regional, national, or international level of politics. An example of a recent grassroots movement was the Bernie Sanders campaign in which the average campaign donation was about $27. Large organizations and corporations are not part of grassroots support.
The place mark for problem 17-north is moving east direction and the place mark for problem 17-south is moving west direction.
"San Andreas fault is a transform plate boundary, where as thin silver western California is a continental transform boundary fault.
This boundary extends to around 1200 kilometers through California. It forms a tectonic boundary between Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. There are various cities which are affected by this fault line.
It is a strike slip fault where two blocks slide past one another."
To learn more about San Andreas fault,