A codon is a sequence of three bases found on the messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule which is translated to produce an amino acid. Each amino acid is coded by one or more specific codons. If the codon is changed through a mutation, the amino acid produced may be different. However, in this case, the other codons that produce Leucine are:
So the code CUU could mutate to CUC, CUA or CUG and leucine would still be produced.
Most probably it would die. Or would be harder for it to live.
On daily basis, as most of the cells die and new cells are formed by cell division. If an organism lost the ability to perform cell division it would die.
An enormous rift in one of Antarctica’s largest ice shelves grew
dramatically over the past month, and a chunk nearly the size of
Delaware could break away as soon as later this winter, British
scientists reported this week.
this happens, it could accelerate a further breakup of the ice shelf,
essentially removing a massive cork of ice that keeps some of
Antarctica’s glaciers from flowing into the ocean.
They support life by being the first vegetation to spring up on harsh terrain where soil is scarce. Even when they perish, seedless plants give back to nature. Certain seedless plants like moss and liverworts actually leave behind a layer of fertile soil for other plants when they perish.
Seedless plants have historically played a role in human life through uses as tools, fuel, and medicine. Dried peat moss, Sphagnum, is commonly used as fuel in some parts of Europe and is considered a renewable resource.
A control group take no part in any experiment, they simply do what they do normally in order to compare the results from someone who has done something differently (experiment) and someone who hasn't. Hope this helps