Hello there.
Which of the following formats can algorithms NOT be written in:
Answers: Flow Chart
Your stored entertainment files are more secure when connected to a home network.
Every employee who works for a company plays an important role in his field. some of the key employees of a company is sales representative, marketing executives, human resource managers, etc
whereas in manufacturing sector additional employees are developers, manufacturing workers, quality testers, etc, which when leaves a company, there is always a chance for the employee to join the competitors which is a threat to integrity of a company
Plus particular field becomes unstable for that time until a good employee hire again for the same position.
If a network administrator leaves, the company may suffer from their network issues. as a network administrator maintain networks, troubleshoot with any network problem, checks the security of the network and many more, he plays a very important role in the company.
If a sales representative leaves the job from the company, sometimes it results as a great loss of a company as a sales representative is in direct contact with customers, and when they leave a job there are chances that they carry the customer with them which results in loss of business.
Because the q.length is a inbuilt function in the programming which used to get the length of the array. In the array, there are 7 values are store. Therefore, the size 7 store in the variable z.
For example:
int[] array={1,2};
int x = array.length;
the answer of above code is 2, because the elements present in the array is 2.