Compared to other AP® exams, AP® Psychology is considered one of the easier exams to pass in the AP® catalog for the reasons described below. In 2021, the AP® Psychology exam had a passing rate of 53.3% with a mean score of 2.71
The united states because were the best hahahahahaha
Answer: For student who chose art, the number of grade 8 students was at least 100% greater than the number of grade 7 students
Grade 7 has about 7 students
Grade 8 has about 17 students
If you added 100% of the grade 7 students to that same art class you would only have 14 students, grade 8 still has more.
The exit polls on the web do break down the vote by age and race. Among blacks, Obama won about the same among all age groups. Among Hispanics, Obama did 8% better among the young than the old, and among whites, Obama did 14% better among the young than the old.