6 Field Players and 1 Goal Keeper (7 In total)
Your reading above gets my article completely backwards. The research shows that women who work outside the home have LOWER rates of depression than those who do not, even when we control for other factors, like pre-existing health problems that might make some women less likely to work. Someone needs a better fact checker or copy-editor!
B. Limit government interference in private businesses.
A market economy is a type of economy in which there is a free market, the prices are determined by the supply and the demand and the government has litte influence and it intervenes only to correct market failures, provide infrastructure and maintain stability. According to that, the answer is that the country would most likely adopt a market economy if it wanted to limit government interference in private businesses.
This theory states that authority between the two levels of U.S. government, national and state, could be treated equally, live together equally, and hold roughly equal authority. Dual federalism has been nicknamed 'layer-cake federalism', since it imagines an obvious separation between state and federal duties.