zygote is the merged gametes of different organisms
C. alive. The vaccine contains a live strain of varicella-zoster (chicken pox) virus which has been attenuated so that it will stimulates the immune system but does not cause any disease in healthy people.
in my oppinion its call a
source of pergisol
What if climate change is self-sustaining? This is already the case, for example, with melting arctic sea ice. This reflects solar radiation, which allows the ocean, located under the ice, to stay cold. But when sea ice melts, the ocean absorbs heat from the sun, which melts more ice. In general, it is difficult to predict the tipping point where such a feedback loop will engage.
Spread over more than 23,000,000 km2, at the top of the globe, permafrost (permanently frozen ground) could enter such a vicious circle. Normally, up to 4 m of soil and plant debris cover the permafrost. This top layer (called the active layer) normally melts every summer, and freezes in winter. It thus protects the permafrost from the rise in heat outside. But in the spring of 2018, a team working at a research station in Tchersky, Russia, discovered that near-surface land had not frozen over at all during the long, dark polar night.
The dotted line most likely represent C NADH and FADH2
NADH is a reducing agent formed during glycolysis and TCA cycle. FADH2 also act as electron donor or reducing equivalent generated only during TCA cycle.
NADH and FADH2 are reduced form of coenzyme NAD+ and FAD. NADH and FADH2 formed during glycolysis or TCA cycle, enters into the electron transport chain(ETC) to perform oxidative phosphorylation that deals with reduction of oxygen(O2) to water(H2O) along with the formation of energy in form of ATP.
No answer can be given because there is not enough information in the question.