La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Estos serían los tres objetivos de la investigación de campo para una empresa comercializadora de ropa indígena.
1.- Conocer la cantidad de consumidores que conocen las características de las telas e hilos con los que se elabora la ropa indígena.
2.- Conocer el número de consumidores que están enterados en la ropa elaborada por indígenas.
3.- Saber el rango de precios que estarían dispuestos a pagar los consumidores por este tipo de prendas de vestir, una vez que conozcan la calidad de los materiales y el trabajo artesanal para fabricarlos.
Estos serían los objetivos centrales de la investigación de campo. Obteniendo las respuestas de estos planteamientos, la empresa tendrá la información importante para poder tomar la mejor decisión para promocionar y comercializar sus productos en diferentes segmentos.
Our leaders in many West Africa nations are mostly thinking about the money that they are going to eat only , they won't think about upgrading the country
Resources can broadly be classified upon their availability—they are classified into renewable and non-renewable resources. Examples of non-renewable resources are coal, crude oil natural gas nuclear energy, etc. ... An item becomes a resource with time and developing technology.
Correct answer is C. Historians have often studied the Crusades from the European perspective.
Option A is not correct as we cannot conclude from this source anything about the literacy rate among Arabs.
B is also not correct as obviously they interacted, which means that they didn't live on the other side of the world.
C is correct because obviously the other side is showing us a different perspective on these wars.
D is not correct as these historians were contemporary, which means that they lived when these events happened.
The Voting Rights Advancement Act was introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Terri Sewell (D-AL) on June 21, 2017, and in the Senate by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) on June 22, 2017.