The United States of Mexico is a federal presidential republic. The Constitution of 1917 is in force with numerous amendments. Executive power belongs to the president, who is the head of state and government. The President forms the cabinet, appoints and removes ministers, the Attorney General (with the approval of the Senate), members of the Supreme Court (with the approval of the Senate) and other senior public servants. The President determines domestic and foreign policy, has legislative initiative and veto power, establishes diplomatic relations and concludes international treaties. The president is elected by the people on the basis of universal, direct, secret ballot, without the right to re-election. Legislative power belongs to the bicameral National Congress. The principles of public administration in accordance with the 1917 Constitution meet the criteria for representative liberal democracy.
Denmark is a constitutional monarchy. The constitution was adopted in 1849; amendments were made in 1915 and 1953, when a unicameral parliament was created and women were allowed to become head of state. The head of state is the king, who exercises legislative power together with a unicameral parliament. The highest legislative body is Folketing. Executive power belongs to the monarch and is carried out on his behalf by the government. The government is appointed by the Prime Minister, approved by Folketing and is accountable to him.
Thus, the similarity is the fact that in Mexico the president and in Denmark the king determine domestic and foreign policy. However, the difference is obvious, primarily consisting in the very form of government - the republic and the monarchy, respectively, with all the further differences that follow from this.
Answer: I’d say giving black people freedom
Explanation: It was such a big part of history and really changed the world for the better
Answer: The answer should be the Danube, the Volga, the Loire, the Rhine and the Elbe
Explanation: Europe is a large region, with several major rivers that connect its many countries!
The Middle Passage was the crossing from Africa to the Americas, which the ships made carrying their ‘cargo’ of slaves. It was so-called because it was the middle section of the trade route taken by many of the ships. The first section (the ‘Outward Passage’ ) was from Europe to Africa. Then came the Middle Passage, and the ‘Return Passage’ was the final journey from the Americas to Europe. The Middle Passage took the enslaved Africans away from their homeland. They were from different countries and different ethnic (or cultural) groups. They spoke different languages. Many had never seen the sea before, let alone been on a ship. They had no knowledge of where they were going or what awaited them there.The slaves were packed below the decks of the ship. The men were usually shackled together in pairs using leg irons, or shackles. Some leg irons are pictured here. The men were considered dangerous, as they were mostly young and strong and likely to turn on their captors if the opportunity arose. People were packed so close that they could not get to the toilet buckets, and so lay in their own filth. Seasickness, heat and lack of air all contributed to the terrible smell. These conditions also encouraged disease, particularly fever and the ‘bloody flux’ or gastroenteritis (a serious stomach bug). The voyage usually took six to eight weeks, but bad weather could increase this to 13 weeks or more. This engraving (a type of print) of the slave ship the Brookes, from Liverpool, shows the slaves packed into the hold of the ship. It shows 295 enslaved Africans, this was the legal number the ship could carry after a change in the law. The Dolben Act of 1788 regulated the number of slaves according to the size of the ship. On a previous voyage the Brookes had carried 609. If you look carefully at the Brookes picture, you can see the leg irons shackling the men together at the ankle.
The Federal Reserve System was basically set up to stabilize prices and price hikes. As an individual who was working at that time and I earned a certain amount but 2 years later dairy prices increased for example 5%, and wages stayed the same, that would cause me to get scared and fearful of other price hikes and the interest I was earning on the money in my bank didn’t change or possibly went down and I started to loose money I would panic and go grab my cash thus creating a run on the banks and an unstable banking system, economic growth is pressured so widespread panic happened and I believe a few times and of course caused banks to close and fail or come close in the early 20th century, before the Fed was created and signed under Woodrow Wilson who himself was an isolationist. Stability is key! Also USA relied on banks that would invest cash on our own country bonds. Where was the steady supply of cash? There was none. Causing the economy to fail. Basically the Fed was a system of failing banks that were tied together being bailed out by Wallstreet financiers working with the Government and Secretary of treasury came up with plans and similar agreements arose with similar failing banks but not insolvent banks or trusts agreeing to insure even its weaker banks/members. It stretched across the country governed by a national board of directors who set interest rates and controlled credit. It also as it evolved had the ability to regulate and supervise banking activities. Also the Fed would make sure that banks could keep up with changes in the demand for currency. To make sure commercial paper was available and lend if needed. Believe me it gets to confusing for me beyond this but these are the basic facts I am aware of. Even the issuing of paper money based on???