Because health care is simply trustable also use meds every day or once in our lives before.
you might want to see a specialist for something that you know is specifically is wrong with your body such as your having sight problems or hearing issues. You would see a primary care if you are just feeling sick or are hurting and you need a diagnosis to find out
1) I would choose white blood cells since their main job is to fight infection (Something that does not belong as a part of the body) But since their is several types of white blood cells the ones too look out for would be the <span>Neutrophils since they kill bacteria by ingesting them.
2) It would be a Neutrophils blood cell. They </span><span>are 12-14 µm diameter, and so </span>look<span> bigger than the surrounding red </span>blood cells<span>. There is a single nucleus, which is multilobed, and </span>can<span> have between 2 and 5 lobes.
3)You would also have to watch out for: </span><span><span>Granulocytes – cells which contain granules which contain chemicals that are used to kill bacteria and viruses </span><span>Lymphocytes- cells which attack most of the bacterial and viral infections in our bodies</span><span>Monocytes - cells which become macrophages, large cells that engulf harmful particles in our bodies</span></span>
Some health consequences are obesity
A food-spoiling microorganism is reffered to as mold