La sociedad civil también se llama tercer sector de la sociedad.
La sociedad civil es un tipo de sociedad que se compone de personas que exigen los derechos y deseos del público. También se le llama tercer sector de la sociedad porque es diferente del sector gubernamental y empresarial. Las personas del sector familiar y privado conforman la sociedad civil. Es importante para la democracia porque proporciona control y equilibrio sobre la democracia y evita que el gobierno tome malas decisiones.
Any converging lens that has a small focal length (several centimeters) can be used as a magnifying glass. The observed object is placed in front of the magnifying glass so that it is located between the lens and the focus (closer to the focus).
It consists of only one condenser lens of small life (a few centimeters).
The observed object is placed between the magnifying glass and its focus (closer to the focus)
The observer sees an upright and enlarged figure of the object.
In order to like clear video ("sharpen"), the magnifier zooms in or out of the subject.
When the character is most clearly seen, we can find ourselves on a given high species.
For a man with normal eyesight, it is about 25 cm.
<span>The family consumed botulism toxin in the canned green beans.</span>
pic 1 red giant, a star whose outer shell has expanded and cooled
pic 2: supernova, a shock wave produced by extremely high temperatures
pic 3: black hole, a high mass star that has collapsed from gravity
pic 4: white dwarf, a low mass star that has shed its outer layers