Imagine that you are a graduate student working in a cancer lab. You accidentally mix unlabeled tubes of carcinoma cells with tu
bes of normal epithelial cells. Which of the following is NOT a possible strategy to allow you to distinguish which tubes contain carcinoma cells? a. Plate the cells in culture and look for the culture that stops dividing once a monolayer is reached. b. Suspend the cells in liquid agar culture and monitor which culture continues to grow. c. Monitor the rate of cell division. d. Monitor telomere length over time during multiple cell divisions.
Cancer is a disease caused by the uncontrolled division of the cell. Certain carcinogens cause the mutation in the DNA of the cells in response to which the normal cells divide continuously without differentiation which leads to the growth of the mass = of undivided cells.
In the given question, when student placed the cancer cells with normal cells than the cancer cells after few days will form a mass of undivided cells which is the result of the continuous cell division without differentiation not observed in the normal cells.