In my opinion, venturing into world of Arts could be a favorable path for a person highly interested in solitary, introverted work. Visual arts such as painting and photography (nature, macro-shoots, etc) could be better choices. Literature might interest you too. The art of words would allow you to express yourself without talking to animate objects. One could pick a pen or stare at his or her computer when indulging oneself in the ARTS.
You do not have to impress others, your masterpiece could do the talking for you.
Hope this helps. Have a nice day!
Dodd-Frank Act of 2010
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was enacted as stated by its name to change how Wall Street worked (well not only Wall Street, but the financial system) and to specially protect the small investor. It was promoted by Senator Chris Dodd and Representative Barney Frank as a result of the great recession suffered between 2008 and 2010, which was primarily caused by an inefficient and sometimes even corrupt financial system. It is a very long and complex law, but it mainly places strict regulations on lenders, banks and other financial institutions.
(D). Straddling
Straddling positioning involves placing a product or brand in two segments at the same time such that it is possible to reap benefits from both segments.
<em>By launching its luxury brand (Infinity), while remaining in other market segments, Nissan is practicing straddling positioning</em>.
Open book management is the practice of sharing with employees at all levels of an organization vital information previously meant for management's eyes only.
Open book management (OBM) is defined as empowering every employee of an organization with required knowledge about the processes, adequate training and powers to make better decisions which would help them in running a business.
Open-book management is underlined by the theory that workers are more motivated and productive when they are treated as business partners – who traditionally have access to financial data – rather than employees. Open-book management nearly always improves near-term financial results. OBM is that it makes a company stronger over the long haul.
To learn more about Open book Management click below
b. Uniforms can help customers identify members of the sales staff
When evaluating whether or not to have sales staff wear uniforms on the showroom floor. What the electronics galaxy should consider about wearing uniforms is that "Uniforms can help customers identify members of the sales staff."
As customers come in to buy their products, they can quickly know the sales staff, and approach them to describe the type of. the product they came for and eventually buy the product if satisfied.