Only one of the two are true. Works in the public domain have a copyright that has expired only. E.g. Works of classical music artist, are almost always expired, in accorance with American Copyright law. Abandoning a copyright doesn't do anything because so long the copyright has remained unexpired, the copyright remains. Thats why it can take decades for a new movie in a series to release, like "IT" by Stephen King. The copyright hasn't expired but rather was 'abandoned'. Before "IT" 2017 was relasesed, the copyright was abandoned.
Table for Area codes are not missing;
See Attachment for area codes and major city I used
This program will be implemented using c++ programming language.
// Comments are used for explanatory purposes
// Program starts here
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main( )
// Declare Variable area_code
int area_code;
// Prompt response from user
cout<<Enter your area code: ";
// Start switch statement
switch (area_code) {
// Major city Albany has 1 area code: 229...
case 229:
// Major city Atlanta has 4 area codes: 404, 470 678 and 770
case 404:
case 470:
case 678:
case 770:
//Major city Columbus has 2 area code:706 and 762...
case 706:
case 762:
//Major city Macon has 1 area code: 478...
case 478:
//Major city Savannah has 1 area code: 912..
case 912:
cout<<"Area code not recognized\n";
return 0;
// End of Program
The syntax used for the above program is; om
The destination ip address when an ipv4 host sends a DHCPDISCOVER message Because a DHCP client does not have a valid IPv4 address, it must use a broadcast IP address of 255.255. 255.255 as the destination address to communicate with the DHCP server.
<h3>What does the DHCP server do when it receives the Dhcpdiscover message?</h3>
When the lease has expired, the client must start over with the DHCPDISCOVER process. The client ends the lease by sending a DHCPRELEASE message to the DHCP server. The server will then return the client's IP address to the available address pool.
<h3>What is a Dhcpdiscover message?</h3>
The DHCPDISCOVER message contains an identifier unique to the client (typically the MAC address). The message might also contain other requests, such as requested options (for example, subnet mask, domain name server, domain name, or static route). The message is sent out as a broadcast.
To learn more about DHCPDISCOVER, refer
Non-persistent" is the right response.
- A cross-site category of screenplay whereby harmful material would have to include a transaction to have been transmitted to that same web application or user's device is a Non-persistent attack.
- Developers can upload profiles with publicly available information via social media platforms or virtual communication or interaction.