<h3>In law, standing or locus standi is a condition that a party seeking a legal remedy must show they have by demonstrating to the court sufficient connection to and harm from the law or action challenged to support that party's participation in the case.</h3>
The Relationship Between the Three Tiers of Government – Federal, State, and Local Government.
n a federation, the three tiers of government, Federal, State, and Local, work independently but concurrently. They work hand in hand, all for the smooth running of the federation.
Private prisons save money by hiring fewer guards, paying them less, and giving them less training, as well as by providing fewer educational, medical, and enrichment services to inmates. The result is less control of the inmates and more violence.
When Barnaby Jack said, “Sometimes you have to demo a threat to spark a solution,” he meant that sometimes, if there isn't a problem, there would be no reason to find a solution. By demoing a threat, then there would show that there is room for a problem, meaning there needs to be a way to fix it.