The universal trigger for fear is the threat of harm, real or imagined. This threat can be for our physical, emotional or psychological well-being. While there are certain things that trigger fear in most of us, we can learn to become afraid of nearly anything.
Sweat ketchup because I feel like mayonnaise will start to stink
I wrote a poem about it:
its been so long
since last I’ve seen my son
lost to this monster
to the man behind the slaughter
So basically my illegitimate son went missing about a year ago. I was obviously devastated becuase I didn’t have to care for him anymore, but i was legally obligated to supervise him, so it was apparently my fault he went missing. It was really stressful talking to the cops because I don’t know nothin about where he went. It’s not like I was the one who kidnapped him jesus
By definition, a <span>schizophrenia is a mental disease wherein the patient would tend to be hallucinated as its thoughts and emotions get mixed up with reality and fantasy. In addition, psychologists thought that this disease could be a brain disorder because of its neurotransmitter difference it causes.</span>
In a cooperative learning model, everyone succeeds only when the group succeeds. This way, the learners help one another to achieve understanding by positive interdependence.
In other words, since success depends on the participation of all the members, they would ask one another for information, evaluate one another's ideas, and monitor one another's work, thus help one another to achieve understanding.