If there wasn't a lot of organisms and energy in the productive part of the triangle, then there wouldn't be a lot of third level organisms. The energy piramid would be a lot smaller then what it is here, and maybe if the energy source was low then there might not be such a vast varity of animals in the ecosystem.
You're welcome friend <3
Is a fallacy that consists of a false appeal to the authority of "everyone"; based on the assumption that a course of action should be taken or an idea should be supported because "everyone" is doing it or believes it.
talk to your teacher
talk to your teacher about your missing assignment. they will look for it for you, but if they can't find it, you might have to redo the assignment. they might also give you an exemption on the assignment, but that's unlikely.
if you're worried about talking to them face-to-face, you could email them.