The poem being identified here is : <span>to the doctor who treated the raped baby and who felt such despair
<span>It is raising a note and upholding a certain emotion of disgust to the doctor's behavior. This is achieved by the speaker's tone, use of words and the ethos. Moreover, ethos speaks of the character's credibility or the persuader's credibility of what he or she is asserting and positing, is it strong and bold or just a mere existent elaboration. Thus follows the characteristics on tone, logos and pathos. Ethos is one key to trusting since it presents one's consistency and as a reliable speaker. </span>
Answer: I think it means the toxins the ocean releases from the bottom
I don't
On other hand, cell phones are also extremely distracting and probably are best left outside of classroom.
To explain the growth of Technology today, especially among the young generation is simply vast. A 10 year old is given the phone to keep the child from whining the busy parent, and by the age 13, every kid carries an phone. In such cases, the use of cell phones by young children are assumed to be left alone as a remedy. Which is not the right thing to do, because classroom is the only place where students get to have a proper connection with one another without the use of a gadget.
Educomp and other facilities which are already enough educational tools, the allowance of use of cell phones in class even for the good purpose is a freedom for an individual to face more danger in life and also not know the value of it. After all, knowledge is not the only key to success.
On other hand, cell phones are also extremely distracting and probably are best left outside of classroom.
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゚ Josie was not An Impostor. 。 .
' 1 Impostor remains 。
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