The atomic bomb when dropped, had caused devestating damage to the city's infrastructure which led to people who survived having a hard time accessing essential infrastructure and food supplies. Furthermore, the atomic bomb also released large amounts of radioactive fallout which led to many people who survived to contract cancer, and therefore led to much suffering and pain.
Serving on a jury, paying taxes, and obeying the law are the three most common examples of a person's civic duties.
While West and East Africa Kingdoms grew political power from the wealth provided by trade, the political relationships in Inland Africa grew out of kin-based networks where families would govern themselves.
The political structure in the Kingdoms of Inland Africa didn´t centralize the power under a single authority. Instead, every city-state had kin-based networks with a male chief who would mediate in social conflicts and represent his network in front of other groups.
The correct answer is C: for the Muslim merchants and visitors. Originally, there were 12 mosques in the Empire's capital, for the visiting Muslim officials and for the Muslin population of the city, mostly merchants.