Because her report lacked facts and incomplete.
1- The proposal would be to improve education in Brazil through full-time school education, where children and teenagers could have different classes and courses, such as courses in foreign languages and professional training, with monetary incentives for children who got good grades.
2- The main challenges foreseen for the inclusion of the integral school in Brazil could be population adhesion, lack of funds and legislative bureaucracy. Such challenges could culminate in school dropouts, lack of resources to hire new professionals, school structure and materials, in addition to a long delay in the approval of the educational change project.
3- The difficulty of solving social problems in any society is a complex task because such problems occur for structural reasons that would impact the way that society organizes itself politically, socially and culturally. There are also institutional problems such as political corruption that makes it difficult to develop a fairer and more egalitarian society for the entire population.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
I looked it up
well for me I think
it's a good idea it's part of the tactics