The following class is written in Java. I created the entire Circle class with each of the methods and constructor as requested. I also created a tester class to create a circle object and call some of the methods. The output can be seen in the attached picture below for the tester class.
class Circle {
double radius;
public Circle(double radius) {
this.radius = radius;
public double getRadius() {
return radius;
public void resetRadius() {
radius = 0;
public double calculateArea() {
double square = Math.pow((Math.PI * radius), 2);
return square;
The user interface (correct answer is a)
Answer and Explanation:
C is a low level language and does not have classes. The language isn't based on object oriented programming(OOP) but is actually a foundation for higher level languages that adopt OOP like c++. Using c++ programming language we can implement the class, flower, with its three variables/properties and functions/methods since it is an object oriented programming language.
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