Identify the purpose, audience, and audience needs for preparing image,Identify three phases that might appear in a project plan. When planning your design project you might include on an outline the goals.
I think that DNA in a eukaryotic cell is found in a nucleus.
1) List
2) Dictionary
3) Tuple
A list uses square brackets. It is used to store multiple items in just one variable. They are usually changeable and give room for duplicates. You use append to add to the collection.
A dictionary uses curly brackets. You use update to add to the collection. A dictionary is created by placing the elements in curly brackets and separating them with a comma. It is changeable and it does not give room for duplicates.
A tuple uses parentheses. You cannot change it once you create it. It is an ordered list of elements that is finite and can also store multiple items in one variable.
Following is attached the code that works accordingly as required. It reads in characters from standard input and outputs the number of times it sees an 'a' followed by the letter 'b'. All the description of program is given inside the code as comments.
I hope it will help you!