Components of health related fitness
1. Cardiovascular endurance
2. Flexibility
3. Muscular strength
4. Muscular endurance
1. Mile
2. pacer
We can test health related fitness using different methods for different components of fitness.
Mile test is use to test for endurance. kilometer to which a person can endure with. We can minimize error through proper monitor.
For flexibility, we can use Sit and Reach test.
For Muscular endurance,we can use Sit - Up Bleep test
Answer: The glycemic index is a system of assigning a number to carbohydrate-containing foods according to how much each food increases blood sugar. The glycemic index itself is not a diet plan but one of various tools such as calorie counting or carbohydrate counting for guiding food choices.
young children can drown in one inch of water
Answer:The correct answer is 4