Bahahhaha why is this funny?
In order for perishable food to be safe for consumption, it has to reach a USDA-recommended minimum safe internal temperature. The food also has to be held at the specified temperature for a minimum of 15 seconds to kill the bacteria.
Safe Internal Temperature:
Steak and Roast 145°F
Fish 145°F
Pork 160°F
Ground Beef 160°F
Egg Dishes 160°F
Chicken Breasts 165°F
Whole Poultry 165°F
Casseroles/Mixed Dishes 165°F
The reason for the different food safety temperatures has to do with food density, size and how much it is handled before it is cooked. For example, steak can be cooked to a lower temperature than ground beef because the inner layers of the beef are never touched. Since the outer and inner layers of ground beef are mixed together, a higher temperature is needed to assure that all of the bacteria is dead.
calisthenics is the word you're looking for
How to explain how mental ill health may have an impact on the individual including ,pschological?
-Difficulty establishing and maintaining friendships or romantic relationships
-become paranoid and therefore exclude him or her self
-person may become paranoid and therefore hurt others who she/he fears will try to hurt him/her
-may become isolated and therefore out of touch with other people and reality in general
- may feel unloved even if it is not true
- may feel like she is a threat to society and therefore attempt suicide
-person may feel isolated, unloved, paranoid, panicked and non-human
- Difficulty keeping and holding a job
Electrolyte imbalance, blood test results showing low levels may lead to: irregular heartbeat, confusion, blood pressure changes, nervous system or bone disorders.