Initially if x = a = 2437 and y = 875, condition (1) that is x>y is true and output would be x = 1562 with y = 87
According to pseudo code the code will run until x becomes equal to y. Initially if x = a = 2437 and y = 875, condition (1) that is x>y is true. So next step would be x=x-y and output would be x = 1562 with y = 875. With initial values x = a = 2437 and y = 875, x becomes equal to y after 21 iterations and output is x=y=1
- 2437 875
- 1562 875
- 687 875
- 687 188
- 499 188
- 311 188
- 123 188
- 123 65
- 58 65
- 58 7
- 51 7
- 44 7
- 37 7
- 30 7
- 23 7
- 16 7
- 9 7
- 2 7
- 2 5
- 2 3
- 2 1
- 1 1
Payment Card Industry Data Standard(PCI DSS).
The online payment acceptance through credit cards is governed by the Payment Card Industry Data Standard (PCI DSS) and it also includes the provisions that shoulde be implemented by gwen's company before accepting any transaction through credit cards.
I’m not sure but if I wouod have to answer it would be 2 or 3
There is a table in the database named Teacher having columns Email, Expiry Month etc. this query is selecting the email address from the table Teachers on the basis of expiry month that is February.\
This would either be a multimedia artist or a web developer