The correct option is a.
A business that collects personal information about consumers and sells that information to other organizations.
Data brokers, also known as data suppliers, data fetchers, information brokers, or even data providers are businesses or companies (even individuals) that, on the most basic level, source and aggregate data and information (mostly information that are meant to be confidential or that are in the real sense difficult to get) and then resell them to third parties. These third parties could be other data brokers.
They collect data and information from a wide range of resources and sources - offline and/or online e.g web access history, bank details, credit card information, official records (such as birth and marriage certificates, driver's licenses).
Brokers can steal round about any information. Examples of information that brokers legally or illegally steal are full name, residential address, marital status, age, gender, national identification number, bank verification number. Brokers and hackers are siblings.
A couple types of data brokers are:
1. Those for fraud detection
2. Those for risk mitigation
Hope this helps!
The relationship between the World Wide Web and the Internet is that the Internet is a collection of connected computers through gateways by which the information that is stored in databases and on servers is transferred from one computer to another and the World Wide Web is the software that is used to retrieve the information requested by the users. The World Wide Web (which we call the Web because we’re lazy typists) lives “on top of” the Internet. The Internet’s network is at the core of the Web, and the Web is like an attractive parasite that requires the Net for survival (, 2010). The Web page that are accessible on the web usually contain hypertext links and are sometimes called links. These links connect to other pages that are store on the same or even a different server; these servers can be in any location throughout the World. This system of interlinked documents is known as hypertext (, 2010).
Links can create connections that let you go directly to related information. These invisible connections between pages are like the threads of a spider web — as you click from Web page to Web page, you can envision the Web created by the links. What’s so remarkable about the Web is that it connects pieces of information from all around the planet, on different computers and in different databases (, 2010). Every Web page has a name attached to it so that browsers, and you, can find it. The name of this naming convention: URL, or Uniform Resource Locator. Every Web page has a URL, a series of characters that begins with http://. (Pronounce each letter, “U-R-L” — no one says “earl.”), (, 2010). The Internet is a world wide network of computers that are connected (networked) and are using the communication method called TCP/IP. The Internet was named ARPANET in 1969 by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the U.S. Department of Defence with just four computers connected together (, 2010). The Internet, sometimes called simply “the Net,” is a worldwide system of computer networks – a network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have permission, get information from any other computer (, 2010). Computers are connected to the Internet via modems and gateways. Some computers are used as servers which are continuously connected to the Internet and used to store web pages; these computers are usually referred to as servers. A house hold computer is primarily used by ordinary people to search for information on the web is usually known as a client. The request for information or search result is passed by the browser on the client to the server that contains the pages which have the relevant information in them via the net. The request passes through the modem then along the net to the correct server, the server then serves up the correct page, which is then sent back to client computer and presented to the user through the browser.
D – Create a new validation rule that allows only EUR or GBP to be selected from all active currencies when an opportunity is created for these products.
Application containers are used to hold applications deployed to the internet during production. These containers are products of online hosting cloud services, used to control and maintain the application in production.
Access to the application's functionalities requires validation, the user must be authenticated and authorized to access certain services of the application.