The last option i.e "A class is an instance of its object" is the correct answer of this question.
A class is a collection of variable and method . The class is the blueprint of the object that means class is physical space entity and object is a runtime space entity.It is the the reusability feature of the programming component.
Following are the syntax to declare any class.
Class classname
<u>For Example</u>: class test1
With the help of class we can achieve the inheritance, encapsulation and abstraction etc.
All the other options except the last one are correct option. Because option(1), option(2) and option(3) follow the property of class and object . that's why last option is False.
“Think of it this way: When we’re done, your connection will be faster than it ever was before.”
Correct label:
positive reappraisal
“Okay, let’s put the connection speed issue aside for later and work on changing your password for our company website.”
Correct label:
“At least your router isn’t talking back at you! I can’t get my digital assistant to shut up.”
Correct label:
Answer:B. Are used to create, organize, and manage databases
Explanation: Database management system (DBMS) is a computer software which is used to collect, analyse or evaluate and retrieve data from a database. It is essential to the flow of businesses or other activities of an organisation.
Examples of database management system softwares MICROSOFT ACCESS,FOXPRO,ORACLE etc all this are effective as it helps to manipulate the data structure,field names,the file formats etc.