21, it says it right in the name.
This response is based upon your having had some background in calculus. "dx" is not introduced before that.
Take a look at the sample function y = f(x) = x^2 + 9. Here x is the independent variable; the dependent variable y changes with x.
Now, for a big jump: we consider finding the area under a curve (graph) between x = a and x = b. We subdivide that interval [a,b] into n vertical slices of area. Each of those slices has its own area: f(x)*dx, where dx represents the width of such subarea. f(x)*dx is the actual subarea. To find the total area under the curve f(x) between x= a and x = b, we add up all of these individual subareas between x = a and x = b. Note that the subinterval width is
dx = ---------- , and that dx becomes smaller and smaller as the number of
n subintervals increases.
Once again, this all makes sense only if you've begun calculus (particularly integral calculus). Do not try to relate it to earlier math courses.
Using sine law:
9/sinc = 15/sin22
sinc = 9sin22 / 15 = 0.225
so c = sin^-1(0.225) = 12.99 degrees ~~ 13 degrees
if B was required:
B = 180 - C - A ~~ 145