When a mosquito bites you, you are the HOST and the mosquito is the PARASITE.
Promoter is located upstream and terminator is located downstream relative to the transcription start site.
Transcription start site is the site from where the transcription starts which is denoted by +1. The sequence of nucleotides which is present backword to them called upstream sequence and nucleotide sequence which is present in the forward direction of transcription start site are called downstream sequence.
Promoter sequences are present upstream to the transcription start site and are denoted with a minus sign and terminator sequence is present downstream to the transcription start site.
I think you're referring to the Metaphase...
During Cell Division (or, rather before!) the DNA needs to be replicated. This normally is done by DNA Polymerase, and results in two identical double strands (the "Sister Chromatids".
These chromatids are held together at the Centromere, which will be the heart of the "X"-shape. After that the DNA is packed into Chromosomes by winding it around proteins called Histones. If I remember correctly there are 5 different Histones.
This "Zipping Up" makes the chromosomes more visible.
As the two sister chromatids are still connected, the result is the X-shaped Metaphase Chromosome....
the answer is A. E. coli B
The multiplicity of infection (MOI) refers to the ratio between the numbers of viruses used to infect <em>E. coli</em> cells and the numbers of these <em>E. coli </em>cells. Benzer carried out several experiments in order to define the gene in regard to function. Benzer observed that <em>E. coli </em>strains with point mutations could be classified into two (2) complementary classes regarding coinfection using the restrictive strain as the host. With regard to his experiments, Benzer observed that rII1 and rII2 mutants (rapid lysis mutants) are complementary when they produce progeny after coinfect E. coli K (where neither mutant can lyse the host by itself). The rII group of mutants studied by Benzer does not produce plaques on <em>E. coli</em> K strains that carry phage λ (lysogenic for λ), but they produce plaques on <em>E. coli</em> B strains. This study showed that rIIA and rIIB are different genes and/or cistrons in the rII region.