The correct answer is D.
Bordetella pertussis is a gram-negative coccobacillus that causes a disease called whooping cough.
The bacterium infests the patients by colonizing lung epithelial cells. To do so, it requires adhesins, called filamentous haemagglutinin, fimbriae and pertactin. Once the bacterium is attached to the lung epithelial cells, it produces a cytotoxin that prevents their cilia from moving.
Another virulent factor from B. pertussis is the pertussis toxin, which alters host immune system through the inhibition of phagocytes response to it.
45 to 60 grams of carbs per meal and 10 to 25 grams per snack, eaten twice a day between meals.
I would tell her to research all information. check to see the qualifications necessary to enroll. A married, and retired couple can only claim 1 or the other's medicare benefits, whomever made more money annually (per year) is the person who has the higher benefits..
Anthropology is the study of what makes people human. Completing a degree in anthropology will allow you to investigate the complexities of human beings. Anthropologists look into different people's lifestyles, how the human species has evolved and how humanity's past has impacted on the present
i love this subject