The serum used for emergency treatment of snakebites stimulates artificial passive immunity.
Histamine, is the chemical mediator initiates an inflammatory reaction. An inflammatory mediator is basically defined as that act in blood vessels and cells for promote response of inflammatory mediator. Histamine is the main chemical mediator which are released from the cells during inflammation, which increases vascular permeability. It is stored in granules and mast cells and get released immediately when the cells get injured.
Cells that support viral replication are called permissive. Infections of permissive cells are usually productive because infectious progeny virus is produced. Most productive infections are called cytocidal (cytolytic) because they kill the host cell. Infections of nonpermissive cells yield no infectious progeny virus and are called abortive. When the complete repertoire of virus genes necessary for virus replication is not transcribed and translated into functional products the infection is referred to as restrictive. In persistent and in some transforming infections, viral nucleic acid may remain in specific host cells indefinitely; progeny virus may or may not be produced.
Hope this helps! :)