Under the new regime, Amun became the supreme state god. He was syncretized with Ra, the long-established patron of kingship and his temple at Karnak in Thebes became Egypt's most important religious center
The abusive partner kept their partner by taking actions like he learned how to over control and manipulates their partner to the point of reliance. It incorporates abusers to kept the victim to get a job in order to produce a financial dependency. It also compromises the abuser to use warnings and threats of violence in relation to abused children or pets.
In economics, the term M1 refers to very liquid money supply (money that is easy to get to) that includes the following:
- physical currency (coins and paper money)
- demand deposits,
- traveler's checks,
- other checkable deposits.
On the other, hand, M2 is less liquid money supply and it includes M1 plus:
- savings and time deposits,
- certificates of deposits,
- money market funds.
In general terms, the main difference between these two is how easy is to get access to them, M1 is more accessible (more liquid) than M2.
The question asks us about the <u>money supply that includes coins, paper money, traveler's checks, conventional checking accounts and checkable deposits. </u>We can see that all these refers to the most easily accessed money supply and thus <u>this is the definition of M1</u>
Who has the most socioeconomic gains is caucasians. I think this because they have more of a privilege than any other race
Hey so how are you you seem pretty down