a free-for-all fight developed
Explanation: free-for-all suggests that everyone was fighting everyone and that there was no order or organisation
The obvious answer would be C. rhyme.
As you can see, each of these lines rhyme: sea rhymes with C, and me, and be. Those words sound similar, which means they rhyme. There are no metaphors (comparisons) and onomatopoeias (mimicking the sounds from nature) here, or alliterations (repetition of the same consonant) in this excerpt.
Surgical robots are not operating independently. Yet, what they are doing is increasingly helping surgeons to operate more effectively. Although the current generation of robots are highly specialized machines, they are still controlled by a highly skilled doctor.
Procedural due process - The rules. People in charge have to follow them. There are procedures for managing situations when a person is accused of misconduct. Example: A student is accused of cheating. Procedural due process is what they do to prove that, and how they decide to punish him.
Substantive due process - The rules don't apply, or they're ridiculous. Standard procedures for managing situations don't always work. Example: A student is accused of cheating. Substantive due process addresses whether the rules are valid, make sense, and work.