Mercator projection, type of map projection introduced in 1569 by Gerardus Mercator. It is often described as a cylindrical projection, but it must be derived mathematically. The meridians are equally spaced parallel vertical lines, and the parallels of latitude are parallel horizontal straight lines that are spaced farther and farther apart as their distance from the Equator increases. This projection is widely used for navigation charts, because any straight line on a Mercator projection map is a line of constant true bearing that enables a navigator to plot a straight-line course. It is less practical for world maps, however, because the scale is distorted; areas farther away from the Equator appear disproportionately large. On a Mercator projection, for example, the landmass of Greenland appears to be greater than that of the continent of South America; in actual area, Greenland is smaller than the Arabian Peninsula.
When a person opens the door, he or she uses 3 systems:
1. Nervous system: from the nervous system, neural instructions are generated through electrical impulses towards the muscles of the upper limb so that they make the necessary movements to open the door.
2. Muscular system: through the muscles of the trunk and the upper limb, it generates voluntary movement to open the door.
3. Skeletal system: the bones are the support of the soft tissues and the fulcrum of most of the skeletal muscles. In this sense, it serves as a support for the muscles of the trunk and the upper limb to carry out the movement of opening the door.
we can conclude that the correct answer is:
1. Nervous system: instructions are generated from the nervous system by means of electrical impulses towards the muscles of the upper limb so that they carry out the necessary movements to open the door.
2. Muscular system: the muscles of the trunk and the upper limb generate voluntary movement to open the door.
3. Skeletal system: it supports the muscles of the trunk and the upper limb to carry out the door opening movement. It also has joints that help the mechanical movements necessary to open the door.
A single species
To be useful, a scientific name has to refer to a single species.
Cellular respiration occurs only in animals
The tick carries harmful bacteria that was released into Charlie's blood.
So, I can conclude that:
tick> indirect, bacteria direct
Hope this helped! Let me know if this is incorrect.