In the winter its color changes to more resemble their <em>winter</em> surroundings, so they are more white, enabling them to blend in better with their white surroundings. In summer, its color changes to more resemble its <u><em /></u><em>summer</em> surroundings, so they are more brown like the rocks and ground around them.
Hello there,
The correct answer is:
C. Hypothesis
Hope this answer has helped you.
The answer is A. Putting the aquarium in the dark means that
the aquatic plants will not be able to photosynthesize. The process of photosynthesis produces oxygen
as a by-product. The oxygen is used by the fishes in respiration and release
carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is used by the aquatic plants in photosynthesis.
They are not from the periodic elements scientifically.
Began in the water
first evolved around 3500 million years ago
began as single celled organisms