A disruptive technology sweeps away the systems or habits it replaces because it has attributes that are recognizably superior. Recent disruptive technology examples include e-commerce, online news sites, ride-sharing apps, and GPS systems.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int k;
double d;
string s;
cin >> k >> d >> s;
cout << s << " " << d << " " << k << "\n" << k << " " << d << " " << s; }
k is int type variable that stores integer values.
d is double type variable that stores real number.
s is string type variable that stores word.
cin statement is used to take input from user. cin takes an integer, a real number and a word from user. The user first enters an integer value, then a real number and then a small word as input.
cout statement is used to display the output on the screen. cout displays the value of k, d and s which entered by user.
First the values of k, d and s are displayed in reverse order. This means the word is displayed first, then the real number and then the integer separated again by EXACTLY one space from each other. " " used to represent a single space.
Then next line \n is used to produce a new line.
So in the next line values of k, d and s are displayed in original order (the integer , the real, and the word), separated again by EXACTLY one space from each other.
The program along with the output is attached.
3. using upper and lowercase letters (Sentence case)
4. using a serif font
Readability on a website is very important for a website designer and also for the user. If a user wants content on his/her website to be read, he/she needs to do some research on what works and what doesn't. For each of the option in the question, there are guidelines to using them. for example, font size sometimes depend on the font style used: as some font style are more bigger than orders. Therefore, to get good readability on a website,font face, font size, color, sentence structure, all need to be considered before designing the website.