The Auteur Theory is the theory he is describing. "The term “Auteur theory” is credited to the critics of the French film journal Cahiers du cinéma, many of which became the directors of the French New Wave.Aug 1, 2017"
Instruments: Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque In Canada capable amateurs as well as professional builders have constructed instruments, mainly lutes, viols, neo-Celtic harps, and hurdy-gurdies, but also reed instruments - krumhorns, dulcians, shawms, racketts, recorders, etc.
Positive and negative space is an element of their own i thought
I remembered one time I heard “If you want to look young and thin, hang out around fat old people.” Then I was WHAT?! and wondered if it would work.
one was in the past and one is now the present they used rocks and other objects to do art . they are both art . what we use now is papaer and paint brushes and other materials