B independent of cellular activity
Associative learning. This usually happens when an individual reacts to an stimuli and visual or auditory behavior. It has been proved by many experts that there is a relationship between events that traumatize an individual, concepts and even mental states. The relationship between them and the experiences of the individual would shape weird behaviors that other wise they would not ever manifest.
A vaccine basically works by injecting a small amount of a virus into your body, and your body learns to fight the virus and becomes immune to the virus.
Explanation If it is 100% safe and effective, I will take the vaccine. The vaccine is stored at 2-8 degrees celcius. It can stay in the refrigerator for 72 countinuous hours. 172 countries are working on a vaccine. 5 are the US, China, Brazil, Italy, and Japan. The name of the vaccine is COVAX. Two doses are required, and it should be mandatory for high risk people as well as everyone else.