I personally use a alienware
Network Security. Network Security protects your network from common security threats like viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, adware, identity theft, denial of service attacks and more. To protect yourself you could install an anti-virus/anti-spyware software like Kaspersky or Malwarebytes.
The correct selection is the letter C. The first ACL is denying all TCP traffic and the other ACLs are being ignored by the router.
In this case, the letter C is the right answer because with the first ACL exactly:
access-list 102 deny tcp any any
We are denying all traffic with the next line deny tcp any any, in this case, the others line are being ignored.
access-list 104 permit udp host any
access-list 110 permit tcp host eq www any
access-list 108 permit tcp any eq ftp any
For that nobody can access to the internet, the security administrator of ABC must change the first ACL.
The answer is C, ROM often stores the basic instructions a computer needs when powering on, part if the BIOS.
Except keyboard of F7 and Spell Checkbutton in toolbar, you are also able to apply Spelling check command fromExcel 2007/2010/2013/2016 Ribbon: Click the Review tab; Go to Proofing group; Then you will view the Spellingbutton , that's Spell Check command.
hope this helps