Ohio state studies
Ohio state studies was a leadership research which was conducted by Ohio State University in 1945. The main aim of the study was to help ascertain different behavior which were observed in people.
The research group labeled task behaviors "initiating structure" and focused less on traits of individuals and more on the what was observed which was what made it to be called a leadership theoretical study.
Some Native American tribes thought by making a partnership with the settlers that they would be able to trade goods with the settlers and bring peace among the colonists and themselves. A short time of peace was brought among them, before fighting broke out.
A. How British laws were affecting them
Valence element of expectancy theory
Vroom, Herzberg, and Ma-slow give the theories in which they all focused on need satisfaction a person. Vroom differentiates between performance, outcomes, and efforts. But on the other hand Ma-slow and Herzberg, both focus on the relationship between the internal needs and their outcomes.
Valence is a term that focuses on the value output by the employee. In the positive valence, the person must attain the outcomes but do not attain the valence. The employee can be motivated by a good incentive such as money. Thus the person who pays more value money will attain money rather than an external time off.
The Valence expectancy work on perception rather than motivation. It can work for some but not for all.