1. At the review mirror.
2. Blind spots.
3. Signal.
When driving an automobile and a driver decided to have a lane change, he or she must understand and do three things always. These things are the following:
1. When a lane change must be made, look AT THE REVIEW MIRROR.
2. Glance behind to check BLIND SPOTS.
3. Always SIGNAL lane changes.
Self-interest study
Here, it is in the best interest of the dairy farmer's organization that the fact that eating 4 servings of dairy a day will lower osteoporosis rates in people. There is a bias in the research even though the research does not highlight this fact. Proving the above hypothesis may mean a higher number of sales for the dairy organization.
This research is being done because of the self interest of the dairy organization so it is a Self-interest study.
To liberate the proletariat by implimented communism.
Left-wing for me means communism :D (BASED)
I believe the answer is: E. all the above
The term hispanic American came from past events when the majority of south American regions was colonized by the spanish and portguguese empire.
During the colonization, these empires forced the local people to use their language and abide to their custom, hence created a forced cultural difussion between their cultures.