Information security policy are used for the prevention of intruders hacking a network when an organization start getting IT related attacks.
Information security policy are used for the prevention of intruders hacking a network when an organization start getting IT related attacks.
An information security policy are set of rules/policies designed to guide employees for the protection of the security of company information and IT systems. The reasons for these policies are:
- It defines what is required from organization’s employees for the security of the IT systems
- Information security policies provide a means to secure the organization against external and internal threats
- Information security policies are a mechanism to for ensuring an organization’s legal and ethical responsibilities
- Information security policies are created to hold each employee responsible with regard to information security
Direct Mapped Cache
Given that a Direct Mapped Cache is a form of mapping whereby each main memory address is mapped into precisely one cache block.
It is considered cheaper compared to the associative method of cache mapping, and it is faster when searching through it. This is because it utilizes a tag field only.
Hence, The method of mapping where each memory location is mapped to exactly one location in the cache is "Direct Mapped Cache"
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IBM PC compatible computers are computers similar to the original IBM PC, XT, and AT that are able to use the same software and expansion cards. Such computers were referred to as PC clones, or IBM clones