Answer: the contents of a new textbook
The topic that is best suited for a formal discussion is the contents of a new textbook. This is suited to the formal discussion as it relates to educational settings such as a school.
Other options such as the weekend plans of your friends, the best places to shop online for new shoes and the best cookbooks for learning to make Thai food are all informal.
I know for a fact that either B. or C. is correct. I think C.
Answer: B. It describes the stages of American literature in chronological order to show how each period relates to the ones before and after.
Explanation: We see that the paragraph starts out with America's colonial day's. Since the colonists were new to the area they looked to where they came from to help them write literature because they just didn't know how to do it on their own yet. Then we get to the American Revolutionary War, towards the end of 1700's, which helps create a new identity for the colonists. They are were no longer under the tyranny of the British government, which allowed for them to explore their new found freedom, create an identity, and live a life they they wanted now. They could be creative without the backlash of the British Government. Then we go into the 1800's, which during this era, there were many wars, exploration of the new land, a government had been established, land was being obtained, and people were moving out of the 13 colonies. Then we go into the 20th century, 1900's. 1900's was an era in which this nation experienced many life changing events. It was times of WW1, Roaring 20s, Great Depression, WW2, Korean War, presidents changing policies for the better or for the worse of this nation, Vietnam War, Hippies Era, time where drugs where introduced, advancements in medicine, Civil Rights Movements, and many more events that changed this nation. Now we are in the 21st century current events change the scope of literature, like it did in the past. Experimenting with different genres together creates new literature.
Hope this help kiddo.
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Planned Parenthood receives over a third of its money in government grants and contracts (about $528 million in 2014). ... A coalition of national and local anti-abortion groups have lobbied federal and state governments to stop funding Planned Parenthood.