Three times presidents considered nominating Hand for the Supreme Court. But each time they picked someone else. Hand gained public acclaim for a speech on " ...
An analytical essay is an essay that provides an analysis of something such as a literary work, a concept, or an event in history. The kind of analysis in the essay depends on the topic of the essay and the general subject area in which the essay is being written.
Quotations reproduce the original words from text or speech that the author or speaker made. In that respect, they can be introduced with an introductory sentence and colon. For example:
<em>In his most famous monologue, Prince Hamlet contemplates taking his own life: "To be, or not to be--that is the question:/ Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer/ The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune/ Or to take arms against a sea of troubles/ And by opposing end them."</em>
Besides, quotations can be introduced with an introductory phrase and a comma, and by embedding the quote within a text without any additional commas or colons.
"A lion's paw rips up my throat."
The line "a lion's paw rips up my throat," represents how the narrator really feels more than any other part. She feels that no matter what she says, nobody will listen to her.
The answer is the values that fast-food represents and the
way it has shaped the world. The book talks about fast food, the values it
exemplifies and the world it made. Since it proven that there is an innovative force
and growth in the lives of the Americans.