The amount of cash at the end of the period is calculated as;
Cash provided by operating activities
Cash used by investing activities
Cash used by financing activities
Net increase (decrease) in cash balance
(a) $10,300
Cash at the beginning of the year
(b) $17,100
Cash at the end of the year
c = (a) + (b) = $27,400
Consider the possible advantages and drawbacks of a decision.
In Financial accounting, costing is the measurement of the cost of production of goods and services by assessing the fixed costs and variable costs associated with each step of production.
Cost-benefit analysis is also known as the break even analysis, it is an important tool in predicting the volume of activity, the costs to be incurred, the sales to be made, and the profit to be earned is. It is used to determine how changes in differing levels of activities such as costs and volume affect a company's operating income and net income.
Generally, to use the cost-benefit analysis, financial experts usually make some assumptions and these are;
1. Sales price per unit product is kept constant.
2. Variable costs per unit product are kept constant and the total fixed costs of production are kept constant i.e costs can be divided into fixed and variable components.
3. All the units produced are sold i.e there is no change in inventory quantities during the period.
5. The costs accrued are as a result of change in business activities.
6. A company selling more than a product should simply sell in the same mix i.e the sales mix is constant.
Hence, a business performs a cost benefit analysis when it consider the possible advantages and drawbacks of a decision i.e whether or not it would bring value to the company or create a significant level of impact on the business.
middle class
I fit in middle class because I do not struggle and my family lives comfortably but we don't have millions
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Collection of Cash on January 10
The Impact on ABC's accounting equation:
The Assets (Cash) will increase by $30,000 and another type of Assets (Accounts Receivable) will decrease by $30,000.
The collection of cash on January 10 does not affect the other side of the accounting equation.
The accounting equation shows that for every transaction, the Assets will be equal to the Liabilities + Owners' Equity. The explanation is that the financial resources which an entity owns actually belong to either creditors or equity owners in the form of financial obligations (liabilities) or contributed capital plus some parts of the net income over the years which the entity has reinvested in its business.
The accounting equation is the fulcrum of the double-entry accounting system. On a company's balance sheet, the accounting equation shows that assets equal the sum of the company's liabilities and shareholders' equity.