a human characteristic that is considered desirable
- A value shows how the society performs and is used to determine how they as a person function and work in closed settings and that are considered to be good or services and have him a characteristic that is considered to be desirable and are reasonable.
The independent variable is the temperature.
The study aims to assess how the temperature level affects another variable, that, in turn, will be the dependent variable: the mood of the participants. The aim of the study is to conclude whether it is possible or not to infer causality between those two, in other words, to see whether different levels of temperature (<em>the cause</em>), trigger the emergence of a certain type of mood <em>(the effect).</em>
Guilt results when ideal standards are violated. According to Freud, this a function of the superego.
The correct answer is irony
Sarcasm and Irony are ways of expressing a statement with a connotative meaning, that is, figurative.
Irony, on the other hand, means “asking by pretending not to know the answer”, “disguise” or “concealment”. The curious thing is that this word has been used, in the past, to refer to ignorance or ignorance about something.
Since the Aristotelian period, sarcasm and irony were already recorded in the speeches. The philosopher Aristotle used these artifices of language when pretending not to understand the idea expressed by the interlocutor, confronting him until he came to a contradiction in speech.
The grammar explains sarcasm and irony as figures of speech used outside their real meaning, which express a tone of debauchery. The difference between sarcasm and irony is that while the first is said in a malicious and harsh tone, the second is a contradictory phrase that generally has a sense of humor.