The correct answer is:
A governor approves a law removing taxes that had previously been applied to all goods shipped into her state from neighboring states.
A laisez-faire s an economic system in which transactions between private parties are free from government intervention such as regulation, privileges, tariffs, and subsidies This doctrine supports that the interactions of economic agents in the markets, would produce the most efficent outcomes, as long as these are not externally influenced.
Answer: D
D seems like the answer because it’s a cause you can put money towards meanwhile the other three need to be regulated by branches/they’re just opinions
George Walton
Not only was this old man wounded, but captured as well.
All of the above answers are correct.
The Revolutionary Period in America began in 1763, with the sign of Treaty of Paris and possibly ended after two decades with the Independence of America in 1783.
The Revolutionary period was an era of scientifice discoveries, discovering truth, and rational thinking. This period also consisted of the Enlightenment era which helped the Thirteen colonies of America to move towards American Revolution.
This move towards the American Revolution was madde possible by intellectual fermentation in American minds. Some of the most prominent thinkers of the century in America were Adam Smith, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Jefferson, and so on.
This period was also characterized by scientic discoveries. Most significant scientists of thie era were Francis Bacon and Sir Isaac Newton. The peoplle in this era were in quest for the truth.
Thus all of the given answers are correct to characterize the Revolutionary Period.
Kagan think Americans should be patriotic to be able to sustain America through worst times. Patriotism would also ensure that America has selfless individuals who will heed the need of others and work toward the common good, and defend America when defense is needed.