For a regular tessellation, the shapes can be duplicated infinitely to fill a plane such that there is no gap. The only shapes that can form regular tessellations are equilateral traingle(all sides are equal. This means that it can be turned to any side and it would remain the same), square and regular hexagon. Looking at the given options, we have
Shape Tessellate?
Octagon No
Hexagon Yes
Pentagon No
Square Yes
Triangle No(unless it is specified that it is an equilateral triangle)
About 46 dollars an hour
Step-by-step explanation:
322/7 = 46
सॉरी भाई जल्द ही देखिये अलविदाIl existe de nombreux exemples de portfolios d’artistes en ligne. Trouvez-en un et partagez un lien vers celui-ci. En vous basant sur le portfolio, écrivez quelques phrases évaluant l'artiste. S'il y a les réponses d'autres élèves sur le forum de discussion, examinez-les et voyez si vous êtes d'accord ou pas d'accord avec leur opinion sur le travail des artistes.
Step-by-step explanation:

So in order the trinomial a perfect square we need

When n is equal to this number that we have

Divide the number of people by the number of plates per pack:
138 / 12 = 11.5
He need to buy 12 packs of plates to have enough.